Certain things are very difficult to reconcile or explain, except in the most extreme cynical terms. They defy logic, common sense, common moral standards and social justice values. When such behaviors are exhibited by the occupant of the Oval Office, it constitutes dangerous leadership.
The president's decision to walk away from the Iran Nuclear Agreement is one such event. This was a campaign slogan, but most people do not take such rhetoric seriously, least of all the politicians who assert them. There is no substantial evidence that Iran has violated the agreement, PUTHOP claims of violations have no credible grounding; but he has been described as "untethered from the truth." All of the remaining participants, including close US allies, are at odds and in disagreement with the US action. Most experts with actual experience in international relations and specifically in the Middle East, agree that there is NO realistic chance that the attempt to bully Iran will be successful in yielding any significantly different agreement from Iran. And as noted, other participants to the Agreement see no need for any major revision, certainly not sufficient to walk away from the deal or to support the US in doing so.
Of course, the action could be cynically attributed to PUTHOP's bigotry because Iranians are Brown people and Muslims. Moreover, the agreement was realized under the Obama Administration, the accomplishment of a Black President that PUTHOP strives to dismantle. But it does not reconcile with the tens of thousands of lost jobs that Boeing and other companies' employees will suffer as a result of the revocation of licenses for Billions of dollars in aircraft production deals. It cannot be reconciled with increased costs to American public from oil price hikes due to disruption from renewed sanctions. All of the pain an sacrifice that the action would inflict cannot be rationally justified by petty and virulent bigotry.
A similar analysis would apply to curtailment of the TPS Program for disaster refugees and the cut in funding to CHIPS medical support for vulnerable children. PUTHOP would destroy these programs, not because they fail to provide necessary relief, but because they are achievements under Obama.
But another even darker theory emerges. PUTHOP appears to display characteristics of megalomania, a psychiatric malady marked by delusions of greatness and power. His delusions manifest in viewing himself an autocrat with absolute power to indulge any whim, whether benevolent or deeply malicious. This is evidenced not only by arbitrary decisions described above, but by his actions that impose broad tariffs and then controlling suspension of the penalties [relief] only for those nations with whom he personally finds favor. Rejection of the Iran Nuclear Agreement fits this analysis because, unlike general legislation, it is a measure where US participation was subject only to PUTHOP's judgment or caprice.
The degree of his egocentrism, narcissism and delusion is displayed daily, such as publicly stating and tweeting multiple times that he thinks HE deserves a Nobel Prize. [If anyone else truly believed this, PUTHOP would not need to be the one trumpeting the absurd notion.]*
If this analysis of psychopathology and arbitrary behavior is accurate, the implications for when the 25th Amendment to the Constitution may be invoked should be seriously discussed. The "Ship of State" is clearly in uncharted waters and at serious risk of a shipwreck with such a person at the helm.