At some point, perhaps, the public may tire or see through the cynical manipulation of public opinion based upon claims that public objection to the Iraq invasion and occupation is an act of disloyalty to the US military troops serving in Iraq. The Bush Administration also contends that it is necessary to sacrifice the lives of still more soldiers in order to honor those already killed or injured. Consider then the following clear pronouncement from those who have served in the military and who deserve far more credibility than a President who not only avoided active military service, but failed even to fulfill the limited responsibilities of military reserve duty:
Wednesday 01 November 2006 – The Nation
"As a patriotic American proud to serve the nation in uniform, I respectfully urge my political leaders in Congress to support the prompt withdrawal of all American military forces and bases from Iraq. Staying in Iraq will not work and is not worth the price. It is time for US troops to come home."
This statement - the Appeal for Redress - has been signed by over 600 active-duty soldiers who have had enough of seeing their brothers and sisters sacrificed to the disastrous war in Iraq. In this month alone, 101 American soldiers have been killed, more than in any month since January, 2005 and the fourth highest monthly total since the war began in March, 2003.
[Sergeant Jonathan] Hutto, who served off the Iraq coast from September 2005 until March, told the Washington Post, "I hear discussions every day among my shipmates about the war in Iraq and how it doesn't make any sense at this point. There is no victory in sight."
The objections raised by these active service members and war veterans are not based upon a lack of nerve or commitment to serve in the military. These people bow to no one in their devotion to country. They voice rational conclusions based upon their personal experiences and knowledge. They cite the deception under which the invasion was initiated and failure to find any weapons of mass destruction. They also criticize the Bush Administration false linkage between Iraq and the Al Qaeda sponsored attack on 9/11. Seeing no credible justification for the “mission” in Iraq, no clear articulation of feasible objectives and no sensible plan for bringing resolution to the situation in Iraq, these patriots have all concluded that continuing to place in harms way and to lose more American troops in Iraq is wrong. They respectfully demand that the troops in Iraq be brought home. In their view, true “support” for the troops would be applying pressure on the Bush Administration to develop and implement a plan to bring the troops home.
The Bush Administration’s shameless misrepresentations and cynical attacks on the character and patriotism of Americans, including combat veterans, who exercise their right to dissent is the truly unpatriotic act. It is a sad development that honored and decorated veterans must band together and make such public statements to defend their honor and to correct the lies and distortions by President Bush and his entourage. The public statement by these service members is an embarrassment to the Administration. Even more embarrassing is the fact that the actions of our “leaders” made such a pronouncement necessary to correct the false propaganda broadcast by the Bush Administration.
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