The Bush thrashing that goes on in this Blog and which is becoming a worldwide universal chorus has reached new levels of harmony. Voices are continually being added to the chorus that emanate not just from the “Liberal” fringe, but also from key “Conservative” groups as well. Consider the recent interview with Bruce Fein, former Associates Deputy Attorney General of the US under Ronald Reagan. Fein is also Founder of the Conservative “Liberty Coalition.” This right wing group has taken the public position that the degree of abuse and disregard of the Constitution and international Law by George W. Bush and his Administration threatens the fabric of our society and our government. They decry the failure of Congress to provide the necessary checks and balances to the power grabs by Bush.
The Liberty Coalition has launched a new initiative, known as the American Freedom Agenda. The AFA's ten-point action program calls on Congress to:
· End the use of military commissions to prosecute crimes.
· Prohibit the use of secret evidence or evidence obtained by torture.
· Prohibit the detention of American citizens as enemy combatants without proof.
· Restore habeas corpus for alleged alien combatants.
· End National Security Agency warrantless wiretapping.
· Challenge presidential signing statements.
· Bar executive use of the state-secret privilege to deny justice.
· Prohibit the President from collaborating with foreign governments to kidnap, detain or torture persons abroad [extraordinary renditions].
· Amend the Espionage Act to permit journalists to report on classified national security matters without threat of persecution.
· Prohibit labeling of groups or individuals in the US as global terrorists based on secret evidence.
The AFA plans to draft legislation to achieve these goals and to lobby Congress to put the proposed measures on the House and Senate calendars.
Is it indeed possible that this subversive group from the Right has actually taken the time to read the US Constitution and examine the transgressions of the GOP monarchy resident in the White House? If so, then the very fabric of politics in Washington, DC may be at risk. Congressmen and Senators from both sides of the aisle will be bombarded with pressure from constituents that urge them to behave in a sane manner and actually perform the fundamental functions of governance for which they were elected to office.
This is no small matter, for if one compares agenda items on the lists of sane advocates from the Left and the Right, the common items point toward the almost inevitable conclusion that the Bush Administration officials at the highest level have violated the law and undermined the Constitution and our democratic form of government. Imagine the terror and panic in the halls of Congress if these elected representatives of the “American people” are actually compelled to do their job in a responsible and sane manner, instead of posturing for the media and fundraising groups? Can the Republic survive an outbreak of sanity?
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