Tuesday, December 04, 2007

A Question In Need Of Asking ... Are You Nuts?

The question for the day is…exactly how out of touch with reality and just plain nuts does one have to be before a genuine examination of one’s mental state is warranted? The question has come up in several contexts where the failure to intervene has yielded disastrous results.

In West Virginia, a young man with deadly weapons at his disposal was recognized as having a history of irrational and bizarre behavior. He took those weapons and walked on campus and killed several people. In retrospect, the officials questioned whether earlier and more responsible intervention as to his mental state would have prevented the disaster.

In New Hampshire, a man that had a history of mental issues walked into the Clinton campaign Headquarters and held several people hostage before finally surrendering to police. He not only had access to weapons, but rigged a fake bomb to his chest. The event ended peacefully, but not without serious psychological trauma to those held against their wills.

Yesterday, President George W. Bush stood before press representatives and TV cameras to announce that, in his mind, a National Intelligence Assessment report that confirms that Iran had halted its program for the development of nuclear weapons back in 2003 represents a warning sign that Iran is a present nuclear threat.

The report is based upon thorough analysis by the entire intelligence expert community. It states that even if Iran decided to restart a nuclear weapons program, it would take a minimum of two years for the country to produce enough weapons grade nuclear fuel to create a nuclear weapon. In addition, such a timetable would have to assume that Iran could proceed without any significant technical problems or interruptions. In addition, the country would have to divert its current resources and expert personnel devoted to producing nuclear energy for peaceful purposes [a substantial current investment] to a weapons program. The clear consensus of the experts based upon all available tangible evidence is that such an event is very unlikely.

The assessment reportedly was issued and made public directly to prevent an end run or manipulation by the White House. As we now know the White House twisted and misrepresented the conclusions of a prior National Intelligence Assessment in order to dupe Congress into authorizing a military invasion of Iraq. That concern and distrust is valid in light of the repeated calls from Vice President Cheney for a military strike against Iran. The purpose of such a unilateral attack would be to shut down a nuclear weapons program that the NIA report states has been defunct for over 4 years.

It is very difficult to comprehend how any rational person with a stable mind and emotional balance could read the National Intelligence Assessment and interpret the report as evidence of an immediate threat from an Iranian nuclear weapons program. Undoubtedly, Iran, Japan, Panama, Sweden or any country could theoretically or hypothetically decide to start a nuclear weapons program and develop such capacity to threaten the United States years from now. However, to suggest that Iran or any other such hypothetical future nuclear power presents an actual current and serious threat is nothing but the raving of a paranoid and perhaps delusional person. However, when that paranoid person has the deadly arsenal of United States at his disposal, someone should be asking the question…..

And if someone someone should summon the courage to exercise that ounce of prevention, to intervene early, think of the hundreds of thousands of lives that could be saved. How many American soldiers, Iraqi civilians and others have been killed, maimed or had their lives destroyed because of the failure to intervene and examine the mental balance of George W. Bush prior to the Iraq invasion. An attack on Iran would be far more destructive and far more costly in terms of human lives. Please call the men in the white coats before it is too late.

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