In the closing days of the campaign for the next President of the US, the rhetoric of the GOP candidate John McCain has become, not only more shrill and desperate, but more incredible. We can even discount the irresponsible and disgraceful pandering remarks of Gov. Palin, seeking to brand Sen. Obama and who knows how many other members of Congress as “un-American.” Such tactics, reminiscent of Joe McCarthy, are also coded racist attacks on Obama because of his multi-ethnic ancestry and unusual name. Although one might hope that a responsible candidate would curb such idiotic excesses, the remarks of McCain himself show him as unable or unwilling to even recognize how far astray his message has gone.
To put a fine point on the matter, the McCain campaign message challenges and insults the intelligence of the voting public. Consider the two main talking points that seem to be the most recent in a constantly shifting cacophony of conflicting messages and strategies. First, McCain attacks Obama on the Illinois Senators proposal to cut or maintain tax levels on taxpayers earning less than $250,000. McCain’s solution is to make permanent the current tax cuts primarily benefiting the top 1% wealth holders in the country. While McCain repeatedly argues that he really has the interests of the average citizen at heart, the main street business owners he supposedly champions are struggling and losing under the economic regime of George W. Bush based largely on such "feed the rich and let the crumbs trickle down to the less fortunate" policies. In other words, the actual experience of the public clearly and starkly demonstrates the failure of such policies.
Second, McCain contends [and apparently believes] that a message that Obama is "inexperienced and unprepared" to “take the helm” of the country’s ship of state in such turbulent times. This argument is all but laughable coming from McCain. Experienced leaders from Former President Bill Clinton to Democratic and GOP former cabinet officials to former Secretary of State Colin Powell have all carefully scrutinized Obama and found him ready to step into the role of President with a sharp mind, steady nerves and optimistic yet realistic vision. As the backwoods folk would say: “that dog won’t hunt.” McCain would do better in seeking to reassure voters that HE is adequately prepared for the job than trying to persuade voters that Obama is not.
This takes us to another item, calm judgment. The seemingly unfocused and constantly shifting direction of the McCain campaign suggests instability and a dearth of true leadership even within McCain’s own team. That does not bode confidence in his ability to take on the much larger role of directing a disciplined and competent administration. McCain’s choice of Sarah Palin only underscores a tendency toward opportunistic and poorly considered judgment. He apparently believes that the majority of Americans do not see the real "Wizard of Oz" hiding behind the curtain.
Finally, if the analogy of experience at the helm is to be considered anything more than empty rhetoric, we would be well to remember that the Naval Officer John McCain managed to crash not one, but FIVE expensive and sophisticated naval aircraft. He used his family connections to avoid being washed out of a career as Navy pilot, a fate that anyone with less political pull would clearly have suffered for such poor performance. So if we are to consider who is more of a risk “at the helm” of the country, it would be foolish to ignore the evident incompetence of John McCain is piloting during critical moments in his military career. His intemperate remarks during the recent crisis in Georgia and South Ossetia suggest that his steadiness in critical moments has not improved much from his crash and burn days in the Navy.
So the real question for the voters is “how stupid can you be?” Are you capable of ignoring all of the neon sign warnings regarding the lack of vision, the lack of policies and the lack of character on the part of John McCain [and his running mate who was censured by the Alaska legislature for abuse of executive power]? Can you convince yourself that all of the evidence amassed by Obama during nearly two years of being scrutinized and tested in primaries and the general election campaigns? Are you willing to ignore the impact of the failed Bush Administration and its incompetence, corruption and venal greed that McCain has consistently backed and supported, despite his claims to being s “maverick?” If you are stupid enough, and if you can toss away basic concepts of enlightened self-interest, then McCain implores you to vote for him. How stupid can you really be?
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