We are all, for better or for worse, teachers in what we do and fail to do. The impact of our pedagogy may be limited to our friends and immediate family; and it may possibly reach to other people, communities and to the world. And so Mr. Clint McCance, a commercial carpet cleaner from Midland, Arkansas has stepped to the lectern, perhaps unwittingly, to provide us all a lesson. Our task is to draw what we can of value from his teachings and see how they may help us make sense of an ever perplexing world. Mr. McCance also happened to hold elective office as the Vice President of the local school board, and so the concept of education should not be altogether foreign to him. This coincidence may seem ironic as we examine the wisdom which he apparently seems to be imparting.
McCance, an immigrant to the technology of the day like many of us, participates in social networking over the internet. Last week, he posted a message responding to a general call for people to wear the color purple in support of families who have lost loved ones to suicide because they were or were perceived to be gay and had been bullied. Several such cases have been made public in the recent past, and suicide prevention organizations tell us that only a fraction of all such cases reach public notice. Mr. McCance opined that all gay people, including children, should commit suicide and that would be the only event that would induce him to don purple. His vitriolic rant included numerous scurrilous references and offensive terms that need not be repeated here. McCance cloaked his commentary in a proclamation of his Christian faith and beliefs, suggesting that his views are examples of Christian values. But the tone was steeped in the vilest hatred one might see posted in any public sphere.
This screed was picked up by a former student of the school district and came to the attention of a wider public when communicated to a support group that serves gays and youth. The story quickly became viral as the words of McCance were transmitted across the internet at blazing speed that the medium permits. The school district promptly posted a disclaimer and condemned the statements of McCance and the hateful and bullying attitudes it expressed. Later, the State of Arkansas Education Commission posted an announcement stating that the comments were unacceptable and that they should not be associated with education or the State of Arkansas. It said that it had no direct authority to take action as McCance is an elected official. Apprised of the offensive rant, US Secretary of Education Duncan declared that an individual expressing such views has no business in a position supervising the education of children.
We turn now to what lessons McCance has to teach or that we might glean from events that his actions have sparked. First, and most obvious, must be the demonstration of the low level of public dialogue and the moral bankruptcy of debate that we seemed to have reached. Whether the commentary by McCance is the nadir can be hoped, but cannot be assured. His seemingly unprovoked outburst suggests that what we might want to consider as commonly accepted voluntary social filters on exercise of free speech in public debate may either be non-existent or seriously dysfunctional.
The ease and speed of internet communication provides wide access to a vehicle of public expression of ideas and opinions. At the same time, the ability to engage in such dialogue from the “cover” of one’s office or room does away with the face to face element that previously typified public debate. No longer does one feel compelled or constrained to consider the impact of one’s words on others who are exposed to the communication. Such consideration tended, in the past, to impose some social constraints and a measure of civility. That McCance is a publicly elected official is salient as well, in that the aforementioned filters in the past would cause such officials to consider the consequences of their action on the constituents that elected them, in addition to the social and political consequences for themselves personally.
The decline in civility is not confined to McCance. Politicians seeking national office suggesting that the answer to the problem of insuring those with pre-existing illness would be solved if those persons simply died quickly, and other politicians suggesting that if their views do not prevail that the alternative response should be the “Second Amendment” solution, a thinly veiled reference to taking up firearms in lieu of the electoral process. Another candidate seeking office requiring support and defense of the US Constitution apparently does not know what the founding document says, and another wants to do away with fundamental protections of the 14th Amendment. And so the comments by McCance, which he now acknowledges were “over the top” and “ignorant,” are not altogether aberrant in the context of current public dialogue. And so one lesson that we might take from the McCance lecture is that the costs of free speech in a democracy may be at time greater than we would like to consider or than we are comfortable with in what we might consider a “civilized” society.
The screed by McCance was not without repercussions. He reports receiving thousands of phone calls and emails mostly protesting and condemning his actions. He suggested that he felt compelled to send his family out of the State, based upon some unspecified threats. A social networking page was set up to denounce McCance and demand his resignation, a site generating support of over 60,000 in less than 72 hours. His business was identified so that the public could express its disapproval by submitting negative feedback to discourage potential customers. He was contacted by the head of an Arkansas suicide prevention organization to discuss and explain to McCance the terrible import of the suicide tragedies that he was promoting. Finally, he appeared on network television to publicly apologize and announce that he plans to resign his post as school board officer and member. While any threats to McCance and his family would be deplorable, such responses do suggest that the public can and will rise up to respond when the level of dialogue descends to a level that is too low. In other words, there still seems to remain “some” standard of civility below which the public generally will not accept without pushing back.
Perhaps, just perhaps, the hopeful lesson that may be gleaned from this episode is that a society still exists that seeks to maintain some minimal standards of common values and civility. There are still a substantial number of people who believe that, although a citizen has the right to express opinions in the exercise of free speech, but also believe that such personal views may disqualify the citizen for holding public office, particularly when the office is to specifically oversee the formation of children’s character in public education. It can be hoped that the viability of such a popular view, weak or hidden though it may be, can gain strength and that its voice can come forward.
Regardless of differing views along the political and social spectrum, perhaps we can regain some sense of decorum and civility in public dialogue. What calls for suppression is only the idea that one need not think before speaking, and that one need not consider the impact of one’s comments before a public rant. Not to ask for too much, perhaps we can hope that candidates for and holders of public office will treat the positions of public trust that they hold with greater respect. If they cannot respect the office and cannot make the effort to educate themselves regarding the responsibilities entailed by the position, they should withdraw or resign in favor of others willing to shoulder the burdens that go along with the prestige.
These are some lessons that we might derive from the thoughtless, hateful and intemperate outburst by an official charged with the duty to oversee the public education of impressionable children. Though he lives in a small town in Arkansas, and will no doubt soon fade from public notice, in this regard McCance has indeed provided a public service as educator.
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