The Wizard of Oz proclaimed himself "great and powerful!" In fact, he was but a charlatan cloaked behind a curtain using bombast and pyrotechnics to wow the easily duped and intimidate the opposition. He created the impression that if people cleaved to his aura, they would share in his power or at least the largess. Just believe, or at least pretend to believe, in the Wizard's power and you can live a better life in the Emerald city.
The description applies in many respects to the presumptive GOP nominee for President, another pretender to great power. His nonsensical and overblown rhetoric used to confound and seduce the weak minded, and to pander to the cynical and racially and religiously biased. To those not easily duped, his rhetoric turns to ad hominem attacks, thinly veiled threats and demagoguery. His use of innuendo is both craven and masterful. Instead of making a direct accusation and having the courage to stand behind his claim, this "wizard" makes unsubstantiated assertions that he says "he heard" someone say. He says he simply cannot understand why anyone would disagree with his isolationist and combative trade policy plan, which nonpartisan economic experts project would throw the US into a major recession by 2019 if implemented as described. In a latest rant, he argues that leaders of his own party who fail to fall in line and endorse him should be "prohibited from ever running for public office" in the future. Like the "Great and Powerful Oz," this pretender brooks no dissent and seeks to humiliate any who may disagree, regardless of the logic or merit of hos positions.
In another late revelation, multiple instances of email solicitation of campaign contributions were made by Drumpf to foreign officials. Solicitation of contributions via email is now a common practice. However, accepting or even making solicitations for campaign funding to foreign officials is not only illegal, by may be criminal. In fairness, criminal prosecution is highly unlikely unless his own party goes after him. That is not the point here. What is more telling is that even at this stage of the campaign, after sewing up the GOP nomination after a long primary season, Drumpf still demonstrates an amazing lack of control over his campaign and subordinates and an astounding lack of understanding of the basic rules and practices of public office and governance.
The revelation is not that Drumpf may or should be exposed and prosecuted for violating campaign funding laws. The key point is that this very basic and fairly obvious restriction was not grasped by someone seeking the authority and power to control and decide the most significant and nuanced issues and crises that the nation will face. Moreover, and assuming that Drumpf may be as surprised as many of us are that he has succeeded in his candidacy, there has been a failure to take time and make effort to LEARN the rudiments of public service and governance. Like the Wizard of Oz, who believed that his prior success as a carnival showman qualified him to rule a kingdom, Drumpf believes that his experience as a CEO and reality show huckster qualifies him for the highest office in one of the most powerful nations in the world. Like the Wizard of Oz, he lacks the competence to develop reasoned policies, to deliver on promises he makes, and lacks the wisdom to know when not to promise what he cannot possibly deliver. That ignorance is beyond dangerous, it could very well become catastrophic if Presidential power were to devolve into his hands.
Trump fails to comply with campaign fundingn law
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