Wednesday, November 11, 2020

A Veterans' Day Reflection

 Veterans’ Day is an apt time to honor and reflect upon the service of those who gave of their time and, for some, their lives, to honor a commitment. That commitment was to defend the nation and all its people and to preserve our democracy. Focus upon that commitment is more important at this moment than at most other times in our history. The threat to the people and to the democracy is not some foreign nation or interloper terrorist, but a “domestic” threat of large proportions.

Those who have sworn to serve and those who gave their lives for that oath were NOT committed to follow the whims of a self-absorbed, infantile, mentally unstable would be autocrat. This is someone who has metaphorically spit on the graves of our fallen, calling them “suckers” and “losers.” Our veterans and military personnel have sworn to protect the nation FROM such dangers. All service personnel are sworn to protect the Office of President, not an occupant who has lost re-election and hints at use of the Military to stage a coup. This week, PUTHOP has filled high posts in the Military and National Security structure with sycophants and toadies who have previously been rejected by both Democrats and Republicans as unfit to hold such positions. Their only current qualification is that they are “loyal” to PUTHOP and will follow his directives without thought or question, and certainly without regard to honoring any Oath of Office. Such moves may appear desperation, but they also signal an attempt to seize control of the Military in a bid to overturn election results and retain power despite the democratic process. No other president in the history of the nation has ever tried to employ the government and its offices in support of a coup as PUTHOP is doing.

On this Veterans’ Day we honor and place our faith in our Military personnel to protect and defend the Nation, all its people, the Constitution, and our democracy. We hope that ALL veterans, whether they were deluded into voting for PUTHOP or for President-elect Biden, will remember that oath, the oath that so many have died to uphold. We hope and expect that all military personnel will support a peaceful transition to a new Administration which has been chosen by a very substantial majority of voters in accordance with the principles and processes of our representative democracy.

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