Monday, December 07, 2020

Smoke and Mirrors! "Lies and Damn Lies"

 Smoke and Mirrors. “Lies and Damn Lies” [Franken].  HHS Secretary Azar challenges the Biden [and Obama] assessment that the PUTHOP Administration planning for distribution and deployment of COVID-19 vaccines has been woefully deficient.  Like PUTHOP, Azar publicly announces that his group’s effort has been laudable. But lets examine a few undisputable facts.

Despite public claims of planning, the Administration has not announced any coherent plan. Such information could hardly be deemed “classified” so as to conceal it from public scrutiny. More likely it is simply a lie to mask the fact that no coherent plan exists. The UK has a plan, announced it and has begun implementation, so effective planning IS possible if competent individuals are involved. Russia and China have begun mass vaccination programs, all before the US has even begun. We can question the efficacy of their vaccines and the manner of distribution, but the fact remains that they HAVE a substantive plan.

The US government has pledged $9.3 Billion in advance for purchase of the vaccine once approved, and touted that there would be 300 Million doses. However, the drug manufacturers have announced the capacity to deliver less than 10% of such doses, due to manufacturing capacity and availability of essential ingredients of sufficient quality. If there had been coordination with the government task force all along, as was claimed, would such issues not have been anticipated? We have all seen the joke in movie scripts when the character is in a tight spot with no idea what to do, and the others ask what comes next. The reply is: “I have a plan!” When called upon to disclose and deliver their “plan” the PUTHOP Administration is nearly empty handed, and far behind other countries with fewer resources. The ONLY thing reliable we have repeatedly seen from the PUTHOP Administration is LIES, dishonesty, and unreliability.

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